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"Population Foundation of India criticizes Union Budget 2024-25 for inadequate focus on health, nutrition, education, and empowerment of women ...

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Signs of the time: About Indian Muslims

It’s about time we look into our backyards! And not ignore the murky events taking place there and along the by-lanes of our mohallas and...

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India Governance Report brings together stories of good governance from across India

Over the course of the last 10 months, Indian governance has reported its successful initiatives on issues based on health, gender parity, climate change, education and muc...

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Policy Level Changes required to make Women Economically Empowered

Many articles state that financial literacy and education are the key to making women economically more empower...

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Brookings India Attempts to Decode NFHS-4

The 2015-16 National Family Health Survey (NFHS) is a large-scale, multi-round survey conducted in a representa...

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NFHS reveals Shocking Information about Marital Rape, use of Condoms and Sterilization

The National Family and Health Survey is a treasure box of valuable information. It is a large-scale, multi-rou...

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Educate Girls to curb India's ever-growing Population

The explosive growth in the Indian population could be curbed significantly if teenage girls in this developing country were given the oppor...

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Famished India behind Myanmar and Bangladesh on the Global Hunger Index

With one of the highest rates of child malnutrition in the world, India has won notoriety as one of the nutritional basket cases of the world over the past few years. Globa...

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India's Deepening Gender Imbalance

The sex ratio at birth for most Indian states is below normal India’s problem of gender imbalance may be deepening, with virtually all corners of the country now affe...

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In India, Only 1 In 10 Children Aged 6 to 23 Months Gets Adequate Diet

Only one in 10 Indian children aged 6-23 months gets “adequate diet”, according to an IndiaSpend analysis of data from National Family Health Survey 2015-16 (NF...

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