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Global Fish Production Approaching Sustainable Limit, UN Warns

Around 90% of the world’s stocks are now fully or overfished and production is set to increase further by 2025, according to report from UN’s food body Global f...

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Exploiting Asia's Biodiversity Can Ensure Food Security, End Hunger

Experts came together at a regional consultation on Asia’s biodiversity to assess opportunities on how to ensure food security and enhance nutrition across the contin...

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United Nations Asks For Help For Drought-Ravaged Ethiopia

This year's El Ni?o weather system has hit hard in East Africa, causing the severe drought in Ethiopia and flooding in Somalia. The current drought comes more than two deca...

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Drastic Reductions in Meat Consumption Worldwide Could Help Fight Climate Change

If the world piled on the veggies and cut back on steaks and hamburgers, the UK-based think tank Chatham House said in a report this week, the world could ge...

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Researchers Withdraw Seeds From 'Doomsday' Vault To Address Food Crisis In Syria

Researchers at the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) hope that the seeds withdrawn from the Svalbard Global Seed Vault will help improve ...

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New Report Shows Women In Fisheries Sector Are Underpaid

A new Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report shows that though women make up nearly half of all people in the fisheries sector, they often do not get their dues. A ...

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Food Waste Grows With the Middle Class

Massive food waste by humanity is an undisputed fact documented daily in tons of discarded scrapings from dinner plates around the world. It is now being measured as a seri...

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Can the world meet its hunger reduction target?

One in every nine persons in the world goes hungry: UN State of Food Insecurity Report Asia houses 526 million of the 805 million chronically undernourished people in the w...

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FAO report shows how climate change is impacting small fishers

Outlook for fisheries and aquaculture better than for other food sectors, but UN agency calls for adaptation and mitigation to secure future food requirements Climate chang...

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Chennai to host conference on 'International Year of Family Farming'

The Asia-Pacific regional conference on the UN-declared ‘International Year of Family Farming’ will be held in Chennai from August 7 to 10. M S Swaminathan Rese...

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