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Hydroelectric Dams Emit A Billion Tonnes Of Greenhouse Gases A Year, Study Finds

Hydroelectric dams contribute more to global warming than previously estimated, according to a study published in BioScience.
It appears that the current and planned b...

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Global Warming Could Delay The Next Ice Age By 100,000 Years

In a study published this Wednesday in the journal Nature, researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research make clear that anthropogenic carbon emissions...

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Climate Change Consensus Extends Beyond Climate Scientists

A Purdue University-led survey of nearly 700 scientists from nonclimate disciplines shows that more than 90% believe that average global temperatures are higher than pre-18...

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We have crossed the line on climate change, says study

Earth?s climate is forever changing and evolution and extinction of species is an inevitable part of the process. But a new study shows that human activities have accelerat...

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Air pollution caused fall in monsoon rains, says study

Emissions produced by human activity over the past 50 years have caused decline of the annual monsoon rainfall, on which billions of people - including in India - depend, a...

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Leaked Report Spotlights Big Climate Change Assessment

Why the UN’s coming fifth report on global warming is already making waves.

Brian Clark Howard

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