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This week it is O.P. Srivastava's tryst with temporality as he remembers Mani Kaul's documentary film, a masterpiece, Siddhesh...

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Silence: The language of God

A piece of appreciation of Martin Scorsese’s 2016 epic historical drama Silence, by Berges Santok


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Those magical tours

Rumi Taraporevala travels back in time, to recapture the joy of the iconic Lala Tours of Bombay, conducted by St. Xavier&rsquo...

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Signs of the time: Take me across the waters, ‘cause I need some place to hide…

Humra Quraishi looks around for reasons to rejoice the coming of the year 2021 and wonders if it spells bloom as it is being m...

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Welcome to Ashok Mishra

The two Hindi films that writer Ashok Mishra is popularly associated with in the cine-goers’ mind are Shyam Benegal’s Welcome to Sa...

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Those Placid Waters

Humra  Quraishi tells another heartbreaking shortstory, set in Kashmir, where the blur between who is the enemy and who i...

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Floating Schools bring Classrooms to Children

Located at the crossing of two mighty rivers: the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, Bangladesh is the largest delta i...

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Kerala Floods: Shame how we Indians politicised a National Calamity and Tragedy

As weeks of wild weather smashed into the north-western Australian coast in February 2018, and record summer ra...

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Environment: New AI Records Dolphin Chatter And Reveals Six Unknown Click Types

Dolphin tracking is traditionally done with boats or planes, but that’s expensive, says study co-author Kaitlin Frasier, an oceanograp...

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Remedying a Greek Tragedy

In a small corner of Athens in Greece, everyday, a group of migrant women gather- not to formulate protests or prepare speeches, but to teach.

Classes range from se...

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