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New World Bank report outlines strategies for developing countries to escape the middle-income trap and achieve sustainable, inclusive growth a...

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How Photo Pollution Is Impacting Planet Earth

We have lost our connection to the night-time skies, the stories woven into star-studded skies, the sense of stillness, the awe of the twinklin...

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Living standards will decline as South Asia’s heat rises

This summer, at 42.6°C, July 25 was the hottest day ever in Paris. Halfway across the globe, Delhi recorded its hottest day at 48°C on ...

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Be a responsible and green traveller

The idea of caring for our planet may seem like common sense to the indigenous tribes of the world who live in close connection to Earth. Likew...

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Citizens can help reduce India’s Carbon Footprint

According to a report produced to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it is told that India has managed to redu...

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Respect Forest Rights of Indigenous People and Communities

Strengthening community forest rights is an essential strategy to reduce billions of tonnes of carbon emissions...

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Global Climate Action Summit 2018: ‘The Challenge is to Act Sooner’

CEO after CEO stood up to declare commitments to reducing carbon use, to everything they do now but cleaner and more efficiently in the Global ...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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UN helps in shaping a Sustainable Future for the Fashion Industry

The 2.5 trillion USD fashion industry plays a major role in the global economy by supporting hundreds of millio...

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Wood: A powerful and valuable solution for Sustainable Structures

Wood is not associated with sustainability as we know that wood comes from forests — so typically, timber is associated with deforesta...

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