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NOAA: “Winter storms don't prove that global warming isn't happening.”

The extreme cold which covered the US Midwest last week was termed to be a “deep freeze” which urged many to wonder if it’s d...

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Alaska’s On Fire And It May Make Climate Change Even Worse

This Weekend, Smoke smothered the high-rises of downtown Vancouver. Sunsets as far south as Ohio took on brilliant hues of red and orange. And humanity reached another pote...

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Big data’s biggest challenge: climate change

Researchers are using big data technology to model, interpret, and illustrate the predicted environmental effects of climate change. Global sea levels are about eight inche...

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Global warming could dry out a third of the Earth by 2100

Forget changing rain patterns — warmer temperatures alone could bring drought to a third of Earth’s land area by the end of the century. That’s the gist o...

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Artic releasing methane alarmingly faster than thought

US Methane Emissions Are 70% Higher Than Previously Estimated a new Harvard report says, reports Bobby Magill at Climate Central. Southeast oil and gas operations are emitt...

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