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Climate Change Legislation Approaches Pivotal Showdown With Oil Industry

California Democrats? push to curb emissions and promote clean energy would alter how the state does business and change the way residents live With only a few days left in...

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Climate Change: How To Make Sense of the Lima Talks

World leaders are gathering in Lima, Peru, for the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC. A primary go...

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Message to India from UN: empower city mayors to curb emissions

Global Compact of Mayors announced at New York climate meet to make cities sustainable; India out of the picture Making cities sustainable was one of the eight action areas...

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Global warming could dry out a third of the Earth by 2100

Forget changing rain patterns — warmer temperatures alone could bring drought to a third of Earth’s land area by the end of the century. That’s the gist o...

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A Possible Rebirth of the Carbon Market?

Many people have voiced pessimism over an international agreement to address climate change since the 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen fell short of expectations. The ...

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