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How An All Women’s Mosque In Lucknow Went Solar

An all women’s mosque is a rarity in itself, but Ambar Shaista, the founder of Ambar Mosque, is not done being the pioneer of much-needed change. Thanks to solar stal...

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Smart Energy Technology 'Stymied By Current Policy'

Smart technology that could shave £90 off household energy bills and curb carbon emissions is being stymied by government policy, a leading thinktank has said. In a w...

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7 Great Techniques By Which You Can Easily Harvest Rainwater At Your Home This Monsoon

Did you know that if Bangalore manages to recharge even 30% of the rainwater it gets, it will have more that what the Cauvery River is supplying currently to the city, whil...

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Climate Change This Week: The Good, The Bad, The Old, The New in 2013, and More!

Most Important Climate Message: “You CAN Do Something About It” is what people need to hear most, says a new Read More