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Media must not misreport the study on population by PM-EAC: Population Foundation of India makes an appeal ac...

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Where Time Stands Still

Novelist and writer, Adithi Rao, pens a tribute to the famed Mount Carmel College of Bangalore, alma mater to Margaret Alva, D...

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‘Reproductive Health Services, Female Education Can Slow Population Growth’

The analysis says achieving the SDGs set by the UN in 2015 for the period up to 2030 would lead to a global population of between 8.2 to 8.7...

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Ali Zafar: Female Education Can Make World A Better Place.

Ali Zafar is decked up with his music and acting projects, but this doesn't mean that he will take a seat back on his social responsibilities. The actor believes that educa...

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The Relationship Between Women’s Education And Fertility

With positive signals for fertility decline emerging in sub-Saharan Africa, and development economists debating the potential for African countries to see a “demograp...

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Would Love To Visit Pakistan To Promote Female Education: Kareena.

A day after Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor expressed a desire to work in Pakistani films, his cousin Kareena Kapoor has said she wouldn’t mind coming to Pakistan ...

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How College Students are Improving Girls’ Education by ‘Hacking’ for Good

While many of us are privileged enough to go to college, barriers to girls’ education throughout the world show us that we shouldn’t take school for granted. Th...

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