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Dr Kishore P Madhwani writes: India, in spite of  acquiring a high coverage of primary COVID vaccination (97%) and its second dose (90%), the precauti...

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The pursuit of knowledge in STEM fields has often been and still is the realm of men, reports The Daily Eye Newsdesk

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Hope and the horizon

Dr. Kishore Madhwani updates the facts on the COVID virus and asserts the need to stay calm while under the pressure.

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CRISPR: The Genetic Scissors Natural V/s Unnatural

CRISPR can help the cacao to become infection resistant and save it from extinction – so that we do not h...

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This Scientist Wants To Sequence The Genomes of 8,000 Endangered Animals Before They’re Gone

Erich Jarvis has a selfish reason for wanting to sequence the genomes of thousands of endangered animals. He needs a bunch of these species to survive long enough for him t...

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Bill Gates Lists His Favourite Books Of 2016

Bill Gates has apparently been a big reader all along, even during his Microsoft days. On his site, Gates Notes, he writes, “I’ve been reading about a book a we...

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Can Wearable Sensors Tell When You're Sick?

It may one day be possible to spot illness the same way many of us already track our exercise habits and sleep patterns: with wearable sensors, researchers say. In a new st...

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ICHR: India's First Hospital-linked Digital Platform for Keeping Children's Health Records Launched

Your child's health records will now be made available at a click of a button. India's first ever digital platform, the Integrated Child Health Record (ICHR), for keeping a...

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Medical Testing Is So Hot Right Now. This Startup Wants In

THE CALIFORNIA HEADQUARTERS of Cofactor Genomics is a bright little bungalow a few blocks from downtown Mountain View. Floral vines abuzz with insects and hummingbirds part...

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