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5 Ways Media Hurts Female Politicians

What do we see when we look closely at media coverage of female politicians and political candidates? Headlines from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign are indic...

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How the Arab Spring Changed the Arab Screen and Why You Need to Start Paying Attention

"I took this video so that people know what really happened," whispers the protagonist of "Rags and Tatters," Ahmad Abdallah's urgent yet understated Egyptian drama set ami...

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On AIDS: Three Lessons From Africa.

An AIDS fable: Once upon a time, in the years after AIDS went from being a death sentence to a manageable disease, at least for people rich enough to take antiretroviral th...

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The U.S. Military Worries About Climate Change, So Why Don't Republicans?

On Friday, the Obama administration put climate change on the par with other global challenges like cybersecurity, terrorism, and Russian aggression, warning in a 35-page n...

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Congress’s head-in-the-sand approach to climate change

ANY GOOD business executive knows that the world is full of risks, ignored at a company’s peril. Interest rates could spike. China could change its currency policy. C...

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While Congress sleeps

Barack Obama offers stopgap measures to slow global warming

Jun 29th 2013 | WASHINGTON, DC |Read More