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Can Japan's ad Industry Become A Model For Gender Equality?

Shinzo Abe’s ‘womenomics’—his apparent drive to open up Japan’s workplace for women—looks set to remain a controversial topic well into ...

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Bangladesh Leads South Asia In Reducing Gender Disparity: Report

Bangladesh has been ranked 64th this year in an index showing the condition of women in 145 countries. Last year, it was positioned 68th among 142 nations. The Geneva-based...

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Is Economic Policy Sexist?

Despite nearly 50 years of policy effort, the UK is still a long way from eradicating gender inequality. There has been progress on many fronts, but women are still far fro...

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India’s gender gap record among the world’s worst

MUMBAI: A plummeting child sex ratio is largely to blame for India’s poor performance in the 2013 Global Gender Gap Index released by the World Economic Forum. India ...

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