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National Energy Policy and Public Health

The draft National Energy Policy was released by Niti Aayog on the 27th of June 2017. It openly invited comments and suggestions from the public to help strengthen its opin...

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What We Learned About The Global Burden Of Disease?

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, observed that knowledge is power and information is liberating. Indeed, the collection, analysis and dissemi...

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Global Studies Reveal Health Financing Crisis Facing Developing Countries

Two major studies published in The Lancet reveal the health financing crisis facing developing countries as a result of low domestic investment and stagnating international...

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Disability The Changing Pattern Of Healthcare In India

The government’s allocation to healthcare as a percentage of GDP has fallen to 1.05% in 2015-16 from 1.47% in 1986-87The evolution of healthcare in India over the pas...

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What Will Kill Us? Not Child Health And Maternal Nutrition

Poor dietary habits and high blood pressure have replaced child and maternal malnutrition, unsafe water, sanitation and lack of hand washing as leading risks for death glob...

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Disease Caused By Reduced Blood Supply To Heart Now Biggest Health Scare In India

Ischemic heart disease or illness in which blood and oxygen supply to heart is reduced is emerging as the main health problem in India. It often leads to heart attacks.


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Looking Back With Concern- Health 2014

A Snapshot of Global Health- 2014

  • Between 2000 and 2012, measles deaths worldwide have been cut by almost 80% ??from 56...

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Nearly 30% People In The World Are Overweight Or Obese

United States is home to the biggest chunk of obese population – 13 per cent, India and China together account for 15 per cent Considered to be one of the most compre...

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Decline of Child, Maternal Mortality Rate in India Fast: Report

India reduced child and maternal mortality since 2000 at a rate faster than the global one but it still needs to do a lot more, according to studies conducted by a US-based...

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