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The Death Of Death…

You could one day be never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream, writes Dr Anurag Yadav

Are You A Mosquito Magnet? Read on to find Out…

Are you a "mosquito magnet" who always complains about mosquito bites? There's a chance that you are amongst th...

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Massive 3-D Cell Library Teaches Computers How To Find Mitochondria

GRAHAM JOHNSON IS an artist with a curious muse: the human cell. He’s the Matisse of mitochondria, the Goya of the Golgi apparatus. Twenty years ago he graduated from...

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Scientists Hack A Human Cell And Reprogram It Like A Computer

CELLS ARE BASICALLY tiny computers: They send and receive inputs and output accordingly. If you chug a Frappuccino, your blood sugar spikes, and your pancreatic cells get t...

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Is It Ethical To Grow Human Organs Inside Animal Chimeras?

Scientists are now working on a technique that would allow human organs to be grown inside pigs. The DNA within a pig embryo that enables it to grow a pancreas is deleted, ...

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Researchers Have Discovered How To Edit Hiv From The Dna Of Human Cells

The creation of antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV has drastically improved the life expectancy of those with the virus, and has also reduced the likelihood of transmission ...

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Geranium root is potent HIV-1 killer

Washington: A new study has found that extracts of the geranium plant Pelargonium sidoides inactivate human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1) and prevent the virus from ...

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