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The Unintended Consequences of Technology

An article of mine on the “Technologies of Taste” has just come out in Technology & Society, a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics En...

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Engineers Turn Human Body Into Bioacoustic Communications Channel

You meet Bob at a party—a friend of a friend. He's way drunk but let's slip that he's a procurement manager at a very large, very flush government contractor. Dude su...

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In New Advance, IBM Engineers Put Universal Memory Within Reach

It can be kind of hard to keep track of the tangle of emerging computer memory technologies with one seemingly announced every other week, from Intel's highly publicized bu...

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This Bacteria-Powered Microrobot Navigates via Electric Fields

Engineers from Drexel University have devised a bacteria-powered microrobot that can be steered through fluids with applied electric fields. Imagine a tiny, tiny robotic sy...

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These Tiny Starfish Robots Take Colon Biopsies

Starfish are awesome sea creatures with regenerative arms and eye spots at the end of each arm that can sense light and dark. In the robot world, their quirky design has in...

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