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The magical language of Gulzar

Juhi Saklani looks at the way filmmaker, poet, lyricist and writer Gulzar creates language and immortalizes his words by makin...

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As the neem tree fell… The delivery boy came up!

Humra Quraishi  tells the story of Zeb... a young unemployed boy, who gave birth to his n...

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Opening Minds about Open Defecation

Open defecation, although, is on a decline worldwide, it is still widely practiced by 950 million open defecators in the world, 569 million of which are in India.


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The Year Of the Organoid- A Brave New World Of Lab Grown Body Parts

The brain-in-a-jar is one of science fiction’s creepier ideas. It is a safe prediction that 2016 will not see such literally disembodied people become reality. What i...

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Bollywood Celebrities and Body Organ Donation

Bollywood celebrities are also known for supporting for a number of social and humanitarian causes. They are backed by a huge fan following, which in turn take their righte...

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Bollywood Celebrities Who Have Pledged To Donate Their Organs

Bollywood celebrities are often seen supporting good causes as they have a number of followers around the world and their support might really help spreading awareness. Thi...

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