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Why The Higgs Boson Found At The Large Hadron Collider Could Be An ‘Impostor’

In 2012, researchers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland famously found a particle that acted like the Higgs boson, an elusive and long-theorized particle tha...

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A Higgs Boson Scientist Created A Fertility App That's As Effective As The Pill

Over the past century or so, women have increasingly gained access to a growing range of family-planning options that are much more reliable than the ages-old “r...

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This Is What It's Like To Be Inside The World's Largest Particle Accelerator

Now you can see scientists try to make space for a giant 360 degree camera-ball while they’re hard at work helping uncover the origins of the universe: the European O...

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CERN Engineers Have To Identify And Disconnect 9,000 Obsolete Cables

In the past, when parts of the accelerators have been upgraded or added to, engineers would often additionally replace the cables that connected them. In the process, they ...

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Did The LHC Bag A Ginormous New Higgs Boson?

Results presented Tuesday by physicists at the Large Hadron Collider offer the tantalizing hint of a new particle, possibly a very heavy variation of the Higgs bo...

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