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Apocalypse Now? ... Or Never!

“The time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now. You can make history or be vilified by it.” - Leonardo Di Caprio


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Mercury Is More Earth-Like Than We Thought

Mercury has been hiding an exciting secret: the closest planet to our Sun is perpetually shrinking, according to new data from NASA, which shows the appearance of new, tiny...

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Pacific winds change the speed of global warming, says new study

The strength of the trade winds that cross the Pacific can affect how quickly the planet warns, new research suggests. By analysing the chemical makeup of corals in the tro...

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Record CO2 emissions committing world to dangerous climate change

Global greenhouse gas emissions on course to reach record high of over 40bn tonnes in 2014, study in Nature Geoscience says Children born today will see the world committed...

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Global Warming has Temporarily 'Paused' due to Climate Fluctuations and Weaker Solar Irradiance

Global warming has been temporarily 'paused' according to a group of scientists, who attribute this interlude to climate fluctuations and a more restrained sun. Researchers...

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