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Google's Algorithms Are Already Outperforming Pathologists

One of the more difficult things a doctor can do is diagnose cancer. That's not just because of the life-changing effects such a finding can have, but because distinguishin...

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Now, An App To Find The Closest Blood Bank

Moved by the plight of people who frantically search for blood donors and blood banks during medical emergencies, a Bengaluru-based software engineer has developed a mobile...

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The Hidden Health Consequences Of How We Design Our Homes

The way we design and build our houses could have a surprising impact on a tiny, but important, aspect of our personal lives: the microscopic organisms that share those hom...

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Pigeons Could Help Detect Breast Cancer

The latest species to add to that list is the common pigeon (Columba livia). According to a study?by a team of researchers in the US published in?PLOS One, pigeons have an ...

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Digging Deep: Our Affinity For Rituals

We build off the shoulders of our ancestors. As the shadow of our pastdances against the wall of time, every nuanced movement, every refraction, every proportion contains t...

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