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Signs of the time: For God’s Sake, Be Human!

This week Humra Quraishi questions politicians and lays out bare facts – about human rights and political mischief that ...

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Celebrities Who Are Actually Making A Difference

Akshay Kumar has often spoken out in support of the men in uniform. His father used to be a military officer and so the Bollywood star has had first-hand experience of what...

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Want To Offer My Services To Mumbai Traffic Police: Amitabh Bachchan

At the inauguration of the 28th Road Safety Week here on Monday, the actor said: "I want to offer my services to Mumbai Traffic Police. I've been saying this for many years...

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Off-Label Use Of IPV Vaccine To Tide Over Shortage

Due to shortage of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) globally, India and a few other countries are stretching the supply of the vaccine to cover all children. The IPV vaccine...

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2015 In Review: Rapid Strides In Public Health

The end of 2015 brings many reasons for celebrations in health sector. We made considerable progress towards achieving the MDGs, SDGs were launched with more ambitious goal...

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Launch Of Inactivated Polio Vaccine In India

India, once considered the most difficult place in the world to stop polio, will celebrate five years without a case this January. But our fight against the disease is not ...

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Defeating Polio, The Disease That Paralyzed America

Tens of thousands of Americans — in the first half of the 20th century — were stricken by poliomyelitis. Polio, as it’s known, is a disease that attacks t...

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Amitabh Bachchan to take part in AP Government’s campaign on health

Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan would take part in an awareness campaign of Andhra Pradesh Government on health issues like maternal and child mortality. “The Pri...

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The World May No Longer Know These 4 Deadly Diseases By 2030

In all of human history, we’ve only ever been able to completely wipe out one disease: smallpox. Declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1980, smallpo...

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Amitabh Bachchan desires to start campaign for Hepatitis B

Megastar Amitabh Bachchan wishes to use his stardom to eradicate more social issues and the latest in those lines are the plans to start a new campaign for infectious disea...

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