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The apotheosis of the new wave: Jules et Jim

Godard’s Breathless and Truffaut’s Jules et Jim are the cornerstones of one of cinema’s most ...

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Solar Powered Roads and Wearables are the Future

Electricity consumption in India (and all over the world) hits a new high almost every year. For instance, Indi...

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Tiny Silk Batteries Dissolve Within Weeks

A flexible battery made of gauzy silk films could power electronics and then melt away after a preset number of days (ACS Energy Lett. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00...

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The Four Coolest Concepts NASA Just Bankrolled to Solve Spaceflight Challenges

Like some glorious love child of Shark Tank and Cosmos, NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program aims to fund visionary space exploration proposals sourced ...

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Chennai Boy Invents Device That Could Save Newborns From Jaundice

Having a doctor or engineer in the family is every Indian parent’s dream. Vivek Kopparthi beat all those expectations though, when he ended up on the Forbes 30 Under ...

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This Smart Glove Translates Sign Language To Text And Speech

Ayoub told me that her motto is always “to design for a cause,” and to produce products that will help a wider community. With the “smart glove,” he...

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