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SOHAILA KAPUR: The Person & Her Legacy!

Sohaila Kapur belongs to a very rooted and empowered artistic and cultural legacy. She has, in her individual way, made her own space, writes <...

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Geetanjali Kulkarni: 25 years an Actor

Aparajita Krishna views actor Geetanjali Kulkarni’s life and career through the prism of her cutting-edge work in theatr...

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Haidar Ali @70 & His Familial Film Heritage: A Treasure Trove

Voter-India ought to be voting Nirbhaya (unafraid) in 2018/ 2019 also for the freedom of Film India, Fashion In...

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Melinda Gates, Co-Chair & Trustee, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation: Family Planning Voices

It’s no accident that I waited to have my first child until I’d finished graduate school, devoted a decade to my career, and decided with Bill that we were read...

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