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Obama New Executive Order Says The US Must Build An Exascale Supercomputer

President Obama has established a new initiative across multiple government agencies that will focus entirely on creating the fastest supercomputers ever devised. The Natio...

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Techno-Visionaries And The Philosopher’s Stone

“I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.”

– Kurt Vonnegut Read More

An outsider’s look into the conceptual polarity of Schizophrenia and Depression

“The creativity of people on the schizophrenic end of the human continuum is a creativity that springs from the inability to accept the standardized cultural denials ...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Car...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Cartesian dualism: the separa...

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