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Rajasthan Revolution: In 30 Panchayats, More Girls Born Than Boys

Dolatpura Kotda, Rajasthan: Mali Devi, a 27-year-old daily wage labourer in Dolatpur Kotda, 35 kilometers north-east of Jaipur, was married at 13 as a part of a tradition c...

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Poor Mortality Ratio Puts U??hand Among Worst 8 States: Survey

Maternal deaths have reduced up to 45% since 1990 across the globe, according to the latest data of World Health Organization (WHO). However, every day approximately 800 wo...

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Uttarakhand safest for newborns: first annual health survey

The first ever annual health survey (AHS) released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on May 3 rates Uttarakhand as the safest state in India for child to be born...

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