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Year In Review: 2015 In 12 Charts

Now that we’ve reached the end of 2015, it’s clear this was a year of major milestones, emerging trends, and new beginnings. Among other things, 2015 marked a h...

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Year In Review: 2015 In 12 Charts

Now that we?ve reached the end of 2015, it?s clear this was a year of major milestones, emerging trends, and new beginnings. Among other things, 2015 marked a historic drop...

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How to Make the Sustainable Development Goals Work

The two of us met for the first time more than a decade ago, in 2003, in the small rural village of Momemo, an hour?s drive and a world away from the urban bustle of Maputo...

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Poverty, child, maternal deaths high in India: UN report

India continues to battle poverty, child and maternal deaths, according to a United Nations report on the Millennium Development Goals that said while several key global ta...

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Decline of Child, Maternal Mortality Rate in India Fast: Report

India reduced child and maternal mortality since 2000 at a rate faster than the global one but it still needs to do a lot more, according to studies conducted by a US-based...

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