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MoE rolls out Guidelines to save Flying Birds

Wind turbines and their associated infrastructure — notably power lines and towers — are among the ...

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The Wind Beneath India's Renewable Energy Wings

The mood was buoyant at the recently held Windergy India 2017 conference in New Delhi. Industry leaders, regulators and government officials were unanimous in predicting a ...

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This Boat Will Run for Six Years on Nothing But Wind, Water And Hydrogen

Talk about energy efficient, this boat will use only sun, wind, and hydrogen for power to last six years as it travels around the world. Called the "Energy Observer," the e...

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Australia Should Invest In Coal Power To Reduce Emissions, Minister Says

Research touted by the resources minister that reportedly suggests Australia can rely on coal to meet emissions reduction has been attacked by experts and appears to have b...

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Dutch Electric Trains Become 100% Powered By Wind Energy

All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . “Since 1 January, 100% of our trains are running on wind energy,&...

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Climate Change In 2016: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

This past year had so many stories involving human-caused climate change – it will be forever in our memories. Here is a summary of some of the high points, from my p...

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Wind farms might be killing many more bats than we realize

It’s no secret that wind power has experienced a boom in recent years, as demand for renewable energy sources grows. But while the technology is adept at helping curb...

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Smart Energy Technology 'Stymied By Current Policy'

Smart technology that could shave £90 off household energy bills and curb carbon emissions is being stymied by government policy, a leading thinktank has said. In a w...

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Renewable Energy Smashes Global Records In 2015, Report Shows

An upsurge in new wind, solar and hydro plants and capacity saw renewable energy smash global records last year, according to a report on new supply.
Some 147 Gigawatt...

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Engineers Devise A Way To Harvest Wind Energy From Trees

Harvesting electrical power from vibrations or other mechanical stress is pretty easy. Turns out all it really takes is a bit of crystal or ceramic material and a couple of...

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