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The Women who rocked the World in 2017

Who ran the world in 2017? Women did. And the most powerful of them who brought a change to the society identified a new generation of icons...

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#MeToo & #BalanceTonPorc - Women’s Global Fight against Harassment goes Online


The recent allegations against film mogul Harvey Weinstein have sparked a global conversation about the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Women, n...

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Air Pollution than AIDS and TB kills more people in India

A report published by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health ranks India the No. 1 spot for pollution-related deaths with 2.51 million deaths in 2015. The S...

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Sliver Of Light: The Transgender Community Gets A Lease On Life

The Kochi Metro Rail announced its service inauguration with grand zest and the Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi himself gracing the event. However the main highlight is ...

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Learning From Zoos: How Our Environment Can Influence Our Health

We are told that we are a nation of couch potatoes, lacking the will and the strength to turn around the obesity tanker. We all need a little help in our quest for a health...

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Richard Branson And Jennifer Lawrence Speak Out Against Immigration Bans

Sir Richard Branson has blogged about the immigration bans imposed by the US government over the weekend. “There are many reasons to be concerned about the Executive ...

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These Women Took On Male-Dominated Workplaces And Emerged Inspirational Winners!

Access to sustainable paid employment is the key to women’s empowerment and capacity to exercise control over their lives. The Beijing Platform for Action had underli...

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TBI Blogs: Why The Proposed Amendment To The Maternity Benefits Act Is Being Hailed As A Win For Women’s Rights

Workplaces tend to view an employee’s pregnancy as, at best, an inconvenience to the business and, at worst, a career-ending sentence. From time to time, women across...

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Harvey Milk Group To Honor Bollywood Star, Human Rights Activists Celina Jaitly

Bollywood star Celina Jaitly, who speaks out on behalf of LGBT people in India and worldwide, will be honored Friday night by the Harvey Milk Foundation at the second Diver...

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Target To Allow Transgender People To Use Bathroom Of Their Choice

Wading into the contentious national debate about the rights of transgender people, Target said on Tuesday that transgender workers and customers can use the restroom that ...

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