Peter Dinklage Wants You To Face Your Food
by The Daily Eye Team April 23 2014, 10:31 am Estimated Reading Time: 0 mins, 55 secsFans of Game of Thrones can’t seem to get enough of series star Peter Dinklage — and that’s why, with the hit series’ fourth season now underway, PETA is launching the Emmy Award–winning actor’s new video exposé of the meat, egg, and dairy industries. And although fans may relish the bloody battle scenes in Game of Thrones, they may be shocked by the violence revealed in Dinklage’s “Face Your Food,” a follow-up to Paul McCartney’s Glass Walls and Alec Baldwin’s “Meet Your Meat” videos. “The images that you’re about to see might make you want to turn away, but this is what you pay for every time you buy meat, eggs, and dairy products,” Dinklage begins in the video short, which debuted last week on PETA.org. “That’s why tens of millions of kind people just in the United States alone have decided to leave animal products off their plates for good.”