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Where Does Moral Courage Come From?

Readers of Fixes know that our primary mission each week is to highlight strategies that work to effect social change and improve lives. In her column last week, Tina Rosen...

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Keeping The Water Flowing In Rural Villages

Keeping projects in business for the long term has been a constant theme of the Fixes column, and if sustainability has a poster child, it would be a water pump.   Tra...

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Beyond Ribbon Cutting

When we started Fixes, we were hoping that interested readers would write in with their own ideas and experiences.  Anyone who read the comments on our debut column, &...

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India Fixes Health Goals For Next 15 Years

India has set itself a challenging target to reduce maternal mortality rate to 70 per 1000 live births, and for neonatal and under-five to 12 and 25 per 1,000 births respec...

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The Benefits of Mobile Health, on Hold

The world now has 5 billion mobile phones – one for every person over 15. Africa has a billion people and 750 million phones, and mobile is growing so fast there that...

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India Fixes Health Goals For Next 15 Years.

India has set itself a challenging target to reduce maternal mortality rate to 70 per 1000 live births, and for neonatal and under-five to 12 and 25 per 1,000 births respec...

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How to Attract Female Engineers.

THE figures are well known: At Apple 20 percent of tech jobs are held by women and at Google, only 17 percent. A report by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee estima...

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Health Care And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance

This is a series about solutions, or potential solutions, to real world problems.  It focuses on the line between failure and success, drawing on the stories of people...

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Beyond Profit: A Talk With Muhammad Yunus

Today, in a ceremony at the United States Capitol, Congressional leaders will present the founder of the Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, with the Congressional Gold Medal in ...

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Where Does Moral Courage Come From?

Readers of Fixes know that our primary mission each week is to highlight strategies that work to effect social change and improve lives. In her column last week, Tina Rosen...

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