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Scientists Used A Little Bee Puppet To Teach Real Bees How To Play Bee ‘Soccer’

Scientists have been able to teach bees to do all kinds of things, like tug on a rope or count to four. But so far these skills have largely fallen into the realm of what s...

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Powerful new technique reveals the mechanical environment of cells in their natural habitat, the living embryo

Whether building organs or maintaining healthy adult tissues, cells use biochemical and mechanical cues from their environment to make important decisions, such as becoming...

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The Hobo Ethical Code of 1889: 15 Rules for Living a Self-Reliant, Honest & Compassionate Life

A few years ago, Forbes published author Roberta Chinsky Matuson’s sensible advice to businesspersons seeking to shoot up that golden ladder. These lawful tips espous...

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A Psychologist Is Trying To Use Genetics To Predict If Therapy Will Work

“How treatment is allocated is still relatively random,” said Dr Thalia Eley, professor of developmental behavioural genetics, and one of the lead scientists of...

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Harnessing Local Pride For Global Conservation

The toughest problems to solve are the ones that are hard to detect and require humans to change their behavior. That puts conservation at the top of the list. According to...

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Washington State Schools Push ‘Gender Fluid,’ Transgender Ideas On K-12 Kids

Children in kindergarten need to “understand there are many ways to express gender,” says a “core idea” in the newly released Washington State healt...

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The Brutal Ways In Which Some Clan Councils In South Asia Punish Women

In India and other parts of South Asia, clan councils have long worked outside the legal system as enforcers of centuries-old social codes and traditions. Experts say these...

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Neuroscientists Hack The Brain's Circuitry For Winning And Losing

We may be programmed in such ways as to predispose us toward "winning" or "losing," according to research published this week in Science by neuroscientists at the RIKEN Bra...

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Watching Reality Tv Is Linked To High Rates Of Narcissism

The more you watch the Kardashians, the more likely you are to turn into them, finds a new study published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture. A group of Oh...

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Facebook, Twitter Will Make You 2.7 Times More Depressed

Human being is a social animal; and this fact is not based on the launch of Facebook or Twitter. Since ancient times, human beings formed social communities, and faught for...

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