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Aversion To Androgyny

Man’s contempt for that which he cannot understand is well documented throughout recorded history. Witch hunts, crusades, holy wars, inquisitions, imperialism and civ...

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Who Killed The Venus Flytrap?

The Venus flytrap is one of the most iconic and well-known plant species in the world. It's a hearty favorite that's easy to propagate indoors, which is why it's found in n...

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Mirrors: Capturing And Recording The Collective Consciousness Through Media

In the recent wake of the Yakub Memon case, opinions have been polarized creating a rift, a schism of thought and identity has manifested in the nation’s collective c...

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Techno-Visionaries And The Philosopher’s Stone

“I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.”

– Kurt Vonnegut Read More

Abstract Property: Imperialism of Ideas

Science and religion have been polarized over the issue of consciousness since time immemorial. Science attributes this fundamental function of our species to tiny volts of...

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Digging Deep: Our Affinity For Rituals

We build off the shoulders of our ancestors. As the shadow of our pastdances against the wall of time, every nuanced movement, every refraction, every proportion contains t...

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Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius - and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. ~ Marilyn Monroe

It has now been a long time that I ...

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If I Become Your Fan Mr. Modi, Will You Lose Popularity?

Because that is how it’s been in all my years. I have always been in support of those leaders who are more unpopular in India than their counterparts who have thrived...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Car...

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Binary Opposition: The Illusion Of Duality

10001110101001 is a line of binary code, each number represents one possibility, yes or no. Descartes professed in his philosophy, the idea of Cartesian dualism: the separa...

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