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Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet

Since 2009, people around the world have celebrated World Oceans Day. The United Nations General Assembly took the concept, first proposed in 1992 and made it official on 5...

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Techno-Visionaries And The Philosopher’s Stone

“I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.”

– Kurt Vonnegut Read More

Technology Matters!

Technology has been heralded as the tool that will expedite the entire evolutionary process of human beings. Technology has boomed over the last 40-45 and has taken over mu...

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Climate Change Might Mean Fewer Hurricanes — But They’ll Probably Be Stronger

VICE News is closely tracking global environmental change. Check out the Tipping Point blog here. Hollywood producers and pulp fiction scribes have depicted a variety of wa...

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~ The world to witness the dialog of Arts & Encounter of Cultures ~
~ 7000 participants from 125 countries over 14 days ~

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Planetary Boundaries and Human Prosperity

The future of humanity will depend on mastering a balancing act. The challenge will be to provide for the needs of more than ten billion people while safeguarding our plane...

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Top 5 Films with Human Rights Commentary

Human rights are inviolable. The Indian Constitution has held sacred the rights of the people when it comes to Right to Equality, Protection and so on. International bodies...

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This Is What Mental Illness Actually Looks Like

Photographer Anne Betton, 37, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2009. After an arts-focused education, she had moved on to a career in business communication—but...

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Food Waste Grows With the Middle Class

Massive food waste by humanity is an undisputed fact documented daily in tons of discarded scrapings from dinner plates around the world. It is now being measured as a seri...

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Diverse, not different

We live in a world spanning myriad landscapes that host a multitude of cultures within their boundaries. It is these borders that define and divide us. And it is often in t...

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