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The Top 10 Scientific Discoveries That Renewed Our Faith In Humanity This Year

On each of the three NASA Mars rovers, there’s a tiny inscription written on the sun dial. It details the mission and what us mere Earthlings hoped to achieve by send...

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Healthcare A Mix Of Highs & Lows

The Raghubar Das government focused on development of healthcare infrastructure in 2016 but services did not improve on the ground level. Shortage of doctors remained a big...

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Madhuri Dixit Adds Star Power To AIF’s Women-Child Health Care Symposium

The American India Foundation partnered with Stanford Medicine to host a symposium on maternal and child health care in India Oct. 14, an event which saw a string of high-p...

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The Hype Around Medical Genetics Could Be Bad for the Public

Science has always issued medical promissory notes. In the 17th century, Francis Bacon promised that an understanding of the true mechanisms of disease would enable us to e...

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The Girl Child In The Tea Gardens Of Assam

A baby girl born in the rural areas of Assam has lesser chances of survival in comparison to its male counterpart before reaching the age of five. Prabir Kumar Talukdar fin...

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FT writers discuss maternal and child health on Twitter

Concerns about funding came on top of the list in an FT Twitter chat about Maternal and Child Health. The conversation took place during World Prematurity Day on November 1...

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Why CRISPR Never Could Have Come Out Of Silicon Valley

Jennifer Doudna is a creator of the gene editing technology that’s revolutionizing biology and medicine: CRISPR, which is so easy to use it’s often compared to ...

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When Genetic Screening Goes Very, Very Wrong

Teenagers don't routinely drop dead of cardiac failure. As a cause of death among individuals aged 12 to 19, heart disease barely even rates, staking out a mere 3 perc...

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Scientists Are Testing Out Nanoparticles That Can Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

The future is here; We now live in a world where researchers can send tiny, manmade particles into the body to blast apart cells that help cancer spread. Well, at least in ...

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Zika Linked To Nerve Disease That Causes Paralysis In Adults

In January, Colombia saw an unusual increase in cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a rare disorder where a person's immune system attacks the nervous system, in some cases t...

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