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WHO South–East Asia Region Eliminates Maternal And Neonatal Tetanus

In a major public health feat, WHO South-East Asia Region has eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus with all districts across the 11 countries having reduced the cases t...

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Martin Freeman Joins Eat Kind Campaign

Sherlock star Martin Freeman has lent his voice to a new video by animal protection group Humane Society International/UK, to encourage people to take meat off the menu &nd...

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In New Advance, IBM Engineers Put Universal Memory Within Reach

It can be kind of hard to keep track of the tangle of emerging computer memory technologies with one seemingly announced every other week, from Intel's highly publicized bu...

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Making A Fundamental Shift In Drug Policy And Harm Reduction

In 1998, the United Nations General Assembly convened a special session under the slogan, “A drug-free world — we can do it!” with the goal of prohibiting...

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Beano For Bovines: Here's How Researchers Are Cutting Methane Emissions From Cows

Just as people plagued by flatulence have turned to diets and supplements for relief, scientists are seeking a cure for belching — and sometimes farting — cows....

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India Misses Millennium Development Goal 5

Under the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5, the target for India was to reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) by three quarters between 1990 and 2015. Based on the UN In...

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The First Transgender Politician Was Just Elected To Congress In Philippines

Geraldine Roman made history this week as she became the first transgender politician to be elected to public office in the Philippines.
"The politics of bigotry, hatr...

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NASA Releases Patents for Moon Dust Fuel, Bio-Gaming, And Laser Engines

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your newfangled spaceship concept—and aren’t we all? —NASA has good news for you. The agency recently rel...

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8 Female CEO's Out-Earn 93 Male CEO's

Fortune has a piece out today showing that “Female CEOs of the Largest Public Companies Are Actually Out-Earning the Men.”

According to Equilar, an exec...

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We Just Witnessed the First Public Hyperloop Test

The demonstration was held by Hyperloop One (formerly Hyperloop Technologies), largely considered the frontrunner in the hyperloop field. Hyperloop One executives called th...

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