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Igniting Minds for a Brighter Future

Reading the newspaper has become a troubling ordeal of late. Page after

page narrates incidents of crimes against women, communal tension and cases
of corrupti...

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Syria’s polio outbreak demands an immediate response

ON TOP of all the human misery inflicted upon the people of Syria by civil war, now comes the polio virus. The disease, which can lead to irreversible paralysis and death a...

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Rotary member and polio survivor Ramesh Ferris shares how ending polio will impact global health

“As a polio survivor, I’ve made it my mission to help bring life-saving vaccines to all children. I was born in India, where I contracted polio as a six-month-o...

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Survey: For young children, mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones now a mainstay

The vast majority of young children in the United States are using mobile devices and for much longer periods of time, with an even greater number of babies being exposed t...

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Obama Says Health Law Critics ‘Grossly Misleading’

President Barack Obama defended his health-care law, saying the flawed online insurance exchange will get fixed and accusing critics of “grossly misleading” the...

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Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site

US President Barack Obama has accepted “full responsibility” for ensuring the troubled healthcare website gets fixed.

Speaking in Boston, he said he was...

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Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the twenty-first International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions, delivered by Wu Hongbo, Under-Secret...

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It’s hard to steer clear from the political process in India any longer, hard to ignore the shrill cacophony that dominates as well as overpowers sensibilities and wi...

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Intangible cultural heritage: A force for sustainable development

No society can flourish without culture – and no development can be sustainable without it. Culture holds answers to many of the challenges societies face today. Awar...

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Nuclear power plant in Japan moves radioactive water to facilitate damage control for Typhoon Francisco.

Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant is bracing itself for Typhoon Francisco, set to hit the country this weekend, by quickly securing new storage space for contamin...

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