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New Zealand PM vows to tighten gun laws after Christchurch massacre

Over 49 people were dead and more injured in the mass shootings at the Christ Church mosques in New Zealand, killing people aged from 3 –...

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Children with disabilities more exposed to abuse and violence

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet spoke at a Human Rights Council event highlighting how disabled youngsters a...

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Who is Teesta Setalvad?

She’s simple, strong and she talks straight. She’s also one of the very few among us, who remains c...

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Simple acts of kindness reassure persons with Dementia

Life is not good for a person living with Dementia. Dementia is a syndrome, a group of related symptoms - associated with an ongoing decline of...

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Human Rights News Stories from 2018

From discrimination of LGBT to drugs – human rights issues and stories have never grown old. Every day, we hear issues related to human r...

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Kids from 71 Countries participate in the ‘Kids for Human Rights’ Drawing Contest

Marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, more than 17,000 children from around the glob...

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Trust Deficit

A lack of confidence pummels institutions, sours relationships.

Trust is one of the cornerstones ...

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UN Security Council meets to discuss Impact of War on People with Disabilities

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force in May 2008, and has so far been signed by 130 countries. It enshr...

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#MeToo Movement in India

On October 15, 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged spreading the hash tag #MeToo, in an attempt to draw attention to s...

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