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India Governance Report brings together stories of good governance from across India

Over the course of the last 10 months, Indian governance has reported its successful initiatives on issues based on health, gender parity, climate change, education and muc...

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Citizens can help reduce India’s Carbon Footprint

According to a report produced to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), it is told that India has managed to redu...

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New Plant Species discovered in 2018 and the Need to Protect Them

Day to day, it might be tempting to take plants for granted. Plants are the very precious part of our earth. The Plant Collectors...

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At COP24 in Poland, Countries come together to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement

The United Nations COP24 two-week climate change conference had gathered almost 200 parties in Katowice, Poland on t...

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Commemorating 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December – the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Decla...

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Indian Documentary ‘Reason’ wins at the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam held in November marks its third decade since its inaugural year under t...

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UN Deputy Chief encourages Young people to be the Leaders and Torchbearers of this World

Nowadays, youth as active, energetic, creative and enthusiastic members of modern society, play an important role in solving global problems. I...

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World’s biggest Polluter is now a World Leader in Renewable Energy

A recent report by the energy researcher BloombergNEF reveals that India ranks 2nd after Chile in the 2018 Read More

#TakeYourSeat, Your chance to be heard at the UN Climate Change Conference

The United Nations has launched a new initiative called the ‘People’s Seat’ in order to bring the voice of t...

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Warm Spells and Absence of Ice triggers ‘Extirpation Event’

A record of slow ice freeze in the Arctic is causing a dreadful time for the polar bears, a new study published in The Guardian reveal...

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