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'Clean Coal', CCS And CSG Will Not Save Fossil Fuels – Their Game Is Up

Every few years the fossil fuel industry pressures politicians to force “clean coal”, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and more recently coal seam gas (CSG) on ...

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Watching Birds Near Home Eases Sadness & Worries

Watching birds around your home may help overcome sadness and worry, a new study in UK has found. Researchers from the University of Exeter in UK, the British Trust for Orn...

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Australia Placed On El Niño 'Watch' As Weather Bureau Puts Chance At 50% for 2017

Analysis shows steady warming in the Pacific Ocean and that Australia could be in for a warmer and drier year Australia could be heading into another El Niño year ac...

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Aerosol Study To Look At Great Unknown In Climate Science

Australian scientists seek to understand how non-carbon aerosolised particles affect global temperatures Australian scientists are studying air pollution and cloud formatio...

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Images Of New Bleaching On Great Barrier Reef Heighten Fears Of Coral Death

The embattled Great Barrier Reef could face yet more severe coral bleaching in the coming month, with areas badly hit by last year’s event at risk of death. Images ta...

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Hip Hop Engages Indigenous Teenagers In Social Change

Indigenous teenagers from across Australia are using hip hop and social media to bring attention to social issues affecting their communities. The B-Town Warriors, from Bou...

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Australia Should Invest In Coal Power To Reduce Emissions, Minister Says

Research touted by the resources minister that reportedly suggests Australia can rely on coal to meet emissions reduction has been attacked by experts and appears to have b...

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2016, The Year That Was: Health And Medicine

Health spent a lot of time in the spotlight in 2016. Medicare was a major issue in Australia’s federal election and numerous government reviews into health were annou...

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Will The Internet Of Things Sacrifice Or Save The Environment?

The internet of things (IoT) – that ever-expanding ecosystem of digital sensors, home appliances and wearable smart devices – attracts its fair share of attenti...

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Two-thirds of Australians think reef crisis is 'national emergency' – poll

More than two-thirds of Australians think the condition of the Great Barrier Reef should be declared a “national emergency” and support much stronger measures t...

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