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Arjun Kapoor pledges support for Earth Hour 2015 campaign

Actor Arjun Kapoor has joined hands with WWF-India to pledge his support to the Earth Hour 2015- WWF’s global campaign to raise awareness and inspire individual actio...

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How market forces are winning the climate change battle

Greenhouse gases have stopped rising, and it's not hurting the global economy after all

Despite the stereotype of a business lobby warning about th...

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India has joined the climate change challenge: John Kerry

India has joined the climate change challenge, US Secretary of State John Kerry today said as he praised Indian efforts to combat the growing menace. ?During President Obam...

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Florida’s authorities want to wish climate change away

Americans excel at denial. Take climate change. There?s overwhelming scientific evidence that human activity has accelerated climate change. But a staggering 52% of the pop...

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India eyes financial support from developed nations

India is concentrating its efforts on ensuring that rich industrialized countries provide predictable and adequate finance and technology to developing countries to tackle ...

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Climate change is not just an environmental issue

Ed Miliband

Tackling global warming is not just a global responsibility, argues the leader of the Labour party, it?s an economic necessity for Britain he general ...

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Care about global climate change? Then fight local air pollution

Leaders of developing countries should take a look at a new study by professors and researchers at Harvard, Yale, and the University of Chicago, and keep it in mind when th...

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Asian cities to be worst hit by climate change.

Governments are finding it difficult to cope with the swelling population Fast-growing cities in Asia will be the worst affected by climate change because of their swelling...

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Cameron, Clegg and Miliband sign pledge to tackle climate change

The UK?s Prime Minister, deputy Prime Minister and leader of the opposition have committed to working together to battle climate change. The cross-party pledge commits the ...

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Geoengineering is an insane way to deal with climate change. Let’s consider it anyway.

Geoengineering — the idea of deliberately fiddling with the Earth’s climate to reduce global warming — has long been seen as an insane, preposterous, mad-...

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