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Melting ice caps may slow negative effects of global warming

Huge amounts of dissolved iron being released into the oceans from melting ice sheets may cancel out some of the negative effects of global warming, a new study has claimed...

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Climate change not fully to blame for melting sea ice

A newly published paper says climate change caused by humans could be responsible for as little as half the wholesale melting of sea ice in the Canadian Arctic and Greenlan...

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East Antarctica melt could cause a global coastal destruction

Parts of the vast ice sheet of East Antarctica - which collectively holds enough water to raise global sea levels by 53 meters - could begin an irreversible slide into the ...

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Over-population is the real cause of climate change ? it's killing us all off

Despite all the warnings of global warming and imminent disaster, it is unlikely that we will change our ways until a real catastrophe actually occurs. We have all read abo...

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Can our agriculture tackle climate change?

The latest report of the inter-governmental panel points to the impact of extreme weather events on farming in India

India has long been regarded a ‘climate c...

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Big climate report: Warming is big risk for people

If you think of climate change as a hazard for some far-off polar bears years from now, you’re mistaken. That’s the message from top climate scientists gatherin...

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Global warming’s impact on humans far more immediate

Top climate scientists are gathering in Japan this week to finish up a report on the impact of global warming. And they say if you think climate change is only faced by som...

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Christian Bale Wrote On His Face To Support A Man With Cancer

There are people who still think of Christian Bale as “that guy who threw the temper tantrum on the set of that movie” because we’re always going to remem...

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Global warming: Ice loss makes Arctic itself a bigger climate changer

As the Arctic region loses ice cover to global warming, it is itself becoming a stronger contributor to warming than climate models had predicted it would, a new study find...

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Is Climate Change Increasing the Disease Risk for Arctic Marine Mammals?

Climate change is melting Arctic sea ice, leaving animals that depend on it high and dry. Marine mammals like ringed seals have to find new areas to give birth, raise their...

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