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Highlights of the DOC NYC Film Festival

Documentary storytelling is flourishing like never before – encompassing reportage, memoir, history, humour and more. DOC NYC Film Festival celebrates this cultural p...

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Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health can help Tackle Economic Inequality

Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health can help Tackle Economic Inequality

Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Dr Natalia Kanem s...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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Dalit women in Rajasthan tortured, beaten and killed after being branded ‘Witches’

A sting operation was carried out in September by Ms. Ahluwalia, chairperson of Baal Evum Mahila Chetana Samiti, along with two women volunteers and a team of jour...

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Displacement follows terror: Rights of millions concerns our world.

"They forced us onto trucks like animals".  A 55-page report titled thus has shook the world. The document, chronicles the atrocities committed by Cameroonian...

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Over 5000 Media Enthusiasts Witnessed the Action-Packed Two Days of Celebrate Cinema 2017 at Whistling Woods International

~ Interactive and hand-picked workshops, informative panel discussions gave a preview into the world of media, arts and entertainment at Celebrate Cinema! ~


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Indian Theatre Puts CORO's 'Right To Pee' Campaign Centre Stage

CORO, a well-established NGO in the city has been slowly campaigning to easy and safe access to toilets for women in the city, and it set to host a play in Mumbai regarding...

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Salim Asgarally’s latest offering - Innovative Idea’s Inked (III):

Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Fashion & Design are its key deliverables to young India.

I’ve heard many of Salim’s c...

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Stop Killing Your Grandmother For The Nth Time!

A recent tweet by a web developer, Madalyn Parker about her CEO’s response to her email has sparked an important conversation about mental health. Parker, who suffers...

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How Farmers Turn Their Salmon Pink

When Don Read feeds the salmon on his fish farm, he adds in a chemical that changes the color of their flesh. Without the chemical in their feed, the farm-raised salmon wou...

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