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Your Children’s Toys Are Perpetuating Gender Discrimination

In my work in the media and in my role as a mother of both a young man and woman, I have been regularly stunned at how girls are routinely labeled, classified, and shaped i...

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Meet the One Woman Medical School For TV Doctors-

Kate Folb is in the middle of telling a story.

Inspired by the season finale of How to Get Away With Murder, which featured two protagonists getting tested for HIV,...

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Depressed? Try Therapy Without the Therapist

Elle is a mess. She’s actually talented, attractive and good at her job, but she feels like a fraud — convinced that today’s the day she’ll flunk a ...

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An Airliner Near-Catastrophe Offers Unique Neuroscience

In August 2001, behavioral neuroscientist Margaret McKinnon was among 306 passengers and crew on Air Transat Flight 236, a transoceanic flight originating in Toronto and de...

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The First Graphene Light Bulb Is Also The 'World's Thinnest' Light Bulb

On your rapidly diminishing list of things graphene cannot improve, go ahead and cross off “light bulbs.” An international team of researchers drawn from Columb...

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How Transhumanist Tech Will Correct Reality's Typos.

It’s commonplace while reading to have one’s concentration disrupted by a spelling error or typo. Sometimes that disruption causes us to discredit the material ...

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Demi Lovato Wants You To Be Vocal And Speak Up For Mental Health

Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc. in partnership with leading mental health advocacy organizations and singer, songwriter and mental health advocate Demi Lovato has announced t...

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Doctors Are Already Seeing Links Between Climate Change And Their Patients’ Health

It?s never a comfortable conversation, but it?s one that doctors like us have learned to deliver to our patients: Your behavior is endangering your health, and you need to ...

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Doctors Are Already Seeing Links Between Climate Change And Their Patients??Health

It?? never a comfortable conversation, but it?? one that doctors like us have learned to deliver to our patients: Your behavior is endangering your health, and you need to ...

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Watching Seema Biswas in Maha Kumbh: Ek Rahasaya, Ek Kahani?...? as Mai Mui, Rudra?s surrogate mother, a thought occurred that it was too trivial a role for an actor who is...

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