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The Best of an Entertainment-Packed SXSW 2018

South by Southwest is one hell of a week you wouldn't want to miss. Think of the annual music conference and fe...

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Celebrity Circus and Media

Andy Warhol famously said that everyone in the world would be famous for fifteen minutes.

Hyperbole per...

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Managers at Work can help fix the Diversity Issue

Talk of diversity in the workplace is nothing new, but as more individuals, organizations, and politicians spea...

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Market Leaders come together to help achieve Gender Equality

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), India's largest Fast-Moving Consumer Goods company with a heritage of over 80...

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The Disappearing Art of Conversation

Since the emergence of humans on the planet, conversation has been the cornerstone of human civilization. From the initial words exchanged r...

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Dirty Money: Bamboozled Beyond Belief?

‘Do you think it’s dirty money? All money is dirty; if it were clean nobody would want it.&rsq...

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The Opioid Drug Crisis

The lack of global access to pain relief and palliative care throughout the life cycle constitutes a global crisis, and action to close this...

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The Return of the Milk Bottles

1879: Milk is sold in glass bottles for the first time in the United States. It's a clear improvement in hygiene and convenience.


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Equal Pay is not just about Money, it is about Esteem.

There's a history attached to gender discrimination at the workplace as a result of failed political manoeuvres and unfair wage practices. O...

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Reinventing Workplaces for the evolving Gender Diversity

The case for gender diversity is compelling, but McKinsey research—including a new report, ...

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