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How Climate Change Battles Are Increasingly Being Fought, And Won, In Court

Around the world courts are stepping in when politicians fail to act, with South Africa’s government the latest to lose a groundbreaking climate lawsuit with judges r...

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'Clean Coal', CCS And CSG Will Not Save Fossil Fuels – Their Game Is Up

Every few years the fossil fuel industry pressures politicians to force “clean coal”, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and more recently coal seam gas (CSG) on ...

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Shell's 1991 Warning: Climate Changing ‘At Faster Rate Than At Any Time Since End Of Ice Age’

Climate change “at a rate faster than at any time since the end of the ice age – change too fast perhaps for life to adapt, without severe dislocation”. T...

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Vivek Oberoi To Donate 10,000 Face Masks To Traffic Cops

Vivek Oberoi has always been at the forefront of noble causes and has contributed to the society in his own ways. The actor who serves as the anti-tobacco spokesperson for ...

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Fearless Alex

Stephenie Meyer, author of the immensely successful young adult books has gone adult with her new thriller, The Chemist. Meyer’s Twilight novels were turned into hit ...

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Indigenous Federation Sues Peru Over New National Park

One of the almost 100 resolutions adopted by the World Conservation Congress (WCC) held in Hawai’i in September 2016 was that “protected areas” such as na...

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We May Be Closer Than We Thought To Dangerous Climate Thresholds

We don’t want the Earth to warm more than 1.5–2°C (2.7-3.6°F) compared to the pre-industrial climate. These targets are not magical; they are expert jud...

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ERM Power Criticised For Choosing $123m Fine Over Renewable Energy Certificates

The Clean Energy Regulator has castigated a major electricity company for choosing to pay a $123m penalty rather than build or contract new wind or solar power.
It sai...

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How To Save 32000 Lives Each Year: Replace Male Doctors With Female Ones

Doctors from Harvard have an intriguing suggestion for saving 32,000 lives each year: Make sure all senior citizens who wind up in the hospital are treated by female doctor...

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USL Diageo And Essar Oil Collaborate For Road Safety In India

Mumbai, 12th January, 2017 – On the occasion of National Road Safety week, United Spirits (USL), a Diageo Group Company, and Essar Oil Limited, have announced a path-...

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