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Old Toys Get Donated Limbs To Teach Kids About Organ Transplants

While organ donation is vital, in some countries such as Japan the issue still doesn't receive much attention.

Figures in Japan show that for every 14,000 people on...

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Why Widespread Fusion Energy Is Taking So Damn Long

The dream of fusion energy hit a roadblock on Monday after it was revealed that it would take at least another decade and 4 billion euros for an international coalition to ...

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The Making Of Japanese Handmade Paper: A Short Film Documents An 800-Year-Old Tradition

For many of us, washi paper is the art supply equivalent of a dish that’s “too pretty to eat.” I love to look at it, but would be loathe to mar its beauty...

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Kaleidoscope - Glimpses Of Kabul

Western women who do not have to live under oppressive conditions in strictly patriarchal countries like Afghanistan tend to romantisize the country's beauty and the nobili...

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Mitsubishi Becomes Latest Automaker To Admit To Cheating Consumers And Regulators

The latest example of the trend surfaced Wednesday when Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) revealed that it lied about the fuel economy of at least 620,000 so-called ...

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Celebrating Art - Kokuyo Camlin celebrates ‘World Art Day’

Mumbai, 18th April 2016 – Celebrating and reveling in the arts, well-known stationery and art brand, Kokuyo Camlin has ce...

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All Hail The Japanese Film Festival

There are a lot reasons to celebrate the Japanese Film Festival. Co-presented with access cinema, the JFF is among the few that takes place throughout the country. They are...

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Neuroscientists Hack The Brain's Circuitry For Winning And Losing

We may be programmed in such ways as to predispose us toward "winning" or "losing," according to research published this week in Science by neuroscientists at the RIKEN Bra...

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Amazing Mud Paintings On School Walls In Bihar

Every year, in the remote village of Sujata in one of India’s poorest states Bihar, the Niranjana Public Welfare School organizes the Wall Art festival. Artists from ...

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Still A Man's World

IT IS still common to see headlines announcing the first woman to occupy some important post or other. Asako Suzuki has just been appointed the first female board member at...

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