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Wonder Woman Gal Gadot stands up against Bullying and Sexual Harassment

Gal Gadot is a Wonder Woman, both on and off the screen. During her interview with The Rolling Stone, she didn’t mince words about her stance on feminism. “Peop...

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Aeschylus’s millennia old play gets an epic adaptation through The Suppliant Women

Written 2,500 years ago, The Suppliant Women is one of the world’s oldest plays which speaks to us through the ages with startling resonance for our troubled times. I...

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Can Google ever replace Teachers?

When in school, I clearly remember writing the day's homework in my almanac with the pointy pencil I sharpened a night before going to bed and writing down notes which the ...

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AI Algorithm Diagnoses Pneumonia Better than Radiologists

Researchers at the Stanford University’s Machine Learning group have developed an Algorithm which presents diagnosis for Pneumonia. The Algorithm is based on a Deep L...

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What’s gone wrong with TV news in India

Broadcast news has dominated as the major source of news and information across the world for over 3 decades. This was all the more possible...

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The Storytellers

We live in times fraught with violence when the artiste or performer is either silent or walking on the eggshells of easily hurt sentiments and political vendetta. When it ...

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Hollywood is haunted by tales of Pedophilia – the Kids Need to Be Protected!

For everyone who is assuming that "Harvey Weinstein Scandal" opened the floodgates to sexual harassment cases in Hollywood, you are wrong. As much as we would like to belie...

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A Story of Hope and Happiness for Children fighting Cancer

Talking about Cancer is a difficult conversation. Adults stammer, beat around the bush and often cannot bring themselves to talk about it. Imagine taking this conversation ...

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The Effects of Virtual Reality on Children

I am standing in the Arkham Asylum. Immersed in the Dark Knight’s universe as I am experiencing Gotham City through the eyes of the World’s Greatest Detective. ...

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THIS IS US: The Child is the Father of the Man

Today of all days, we are told to keep the child in us alive, the innocence the passion and the ever-growing curiosity of children are unmatched, but what about the adult i...

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