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Russell Simmons' Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation Heads Back To The Future At Art For Life Benefit.

Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation (RPAF) is proud to celebrate the 2016 ART FOR LIFE Benefit on July 16th at Fairview Farms in Bridgehampton, NY. RPAF is dedicated to prov...

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Floating Solar Is A Win-Win Energy Solution For Drought-Stricken US Lakes

Installing floating solar photovoltaic arrays, sometimes called “floatovoltaics,” on a portion of these two reservoirs in the southwestern United States could p...

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Rishi Kapoor To Attend Indian Film Festival Of Melbourne As The Guest Of Honour

Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor will attend the upcoming edition of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne as the guest of honour. According to news reports, the 2016 festival is...

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UN Committee May Again Consider Listing Great Barrier Reef As 'In Danger'

As a condition of UNESCO not listing the Great Barrier Reef as “in danger” in 2015, the World Heritage Committee said Australia needed to report back to the com...

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Business And Academic Leaders Urge New Conversation About Coal-Free Future

They also say the public may not realise it but a carbon price has already been built into Australia’s economy with the Turnbull government’s decision, at the P...

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Australians Have Spent Almost $8bn On Rooftop Solar Since 2007, Says Report

In its latest State of Solar report, Solar Citizens – which campaigns for, and represents the interests of, solar owners – has for the first time estimated Aust...

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Coral Bleaching Event Now Biggest In History – And About To Get Worse

“All northern hemisphere US-coral reefs are on alert for coral bleaching this year,” said Mark Eakin, coordinator of Coral Reef Watch at Noaa. “If we see ...

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Australian Rodent Is First Mammal Made Extinct By Human-Driven Climate Change, Scientists Say

Australia — Australian researchers say rising sea levels have wiped out a rodent that lived on a tiny outcrop in the Great Barrier Reef, in what they say is the first...

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Apple's Siri Calls Ambulance For Baby

A woman from Cairns, Australia, used Siri to call an ambulance for her one-year-old daughter when she stopped breathing. Stacey Gleeson grabbed her iPhone and ran to the ch...

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Jodie Foster On The Advancement Of Women In Hollywood, But It's Not All Good News

Sexism is an issue that still cuts through the film industry. It's something that is slowly changing, but not in all areas of Hollywood according to actor turned director, ...

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