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Papa Don’t Preach

What would happen if two cantankerous, cricket-crazy men, one from India and the other from Pakistan were forced to share an apartment?  Bedlam, that’s what.


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World Breastfeeding Week – Sustaining Together

The World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is celebrated annually from 1st to 7th August with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and in tu...

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Gender equality at Workplace - more than just a moral Issue

Apart from the “human rights” aspect to gender equality at work, recent studies also suggest there being a beneficial financial and economic advantage by having...

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Exponential Impacts: Women Tech Enthusiasts Chip In For Artificial Intelligence

“Success in creating full Artificial Intelligence would be the greatest event in human history.”


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The Push Indian Healthcare Needs

One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) articulated by the United Nations in 2015 is to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages&rd...

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School Funding: Do Poor Children Get Their Fair Share?

Research suggests increased spending on education can improve student outcomes, especially among low-income students. This means that targeted increases in funding could he...

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In Pursuit Of Public Health

“Public health mandates extra-ordinary commitment and will from government machineries which require non-partisan dialogues. Politics and public health are two sides ...

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Putting Child Rights at the Heart of Climate Talks

“Whatever land my father had and the house he had went under the water in the river erosion and that’s why my parents decided to get me married,” said Sul...

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Strong Coffee Stronger Women: Bill Gates

Why? First, that descending red line captures one of the most amazing stories of human progress: It shows how the number of deaths of children under 5 per year has been cut...

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Brian May And Peter Egan Back NAVS’ Call To End Misleading Animal Tests

Ahead of World Day for Laboratory Animals on Monday April 24th, animal advocates Queen guitarist Brian May and actor Peter Egan are supporting calls by the National Anti-Vi...

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