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Dutch Duo believe 'Stardust' to be an Alternative Raw Matter

Its pretty clear that Earth's resources won't last forever. We’re constantly fighting over land and water...

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Alcohol Abusers at a Greater Risk of Dementia

Alcohol is one of the most abused substances. According to the India...

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‘Evening Shadows’ to premiere at the Mardi Gras Film Festival

Award winning Indian filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan’s narrative feature Read More

The Opioid Drug Crisis

The lack of global access to pain relief and palliative care throughout the life cycle constitutes a global crisis, and action to close this...

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Seeds of Change: Train Police Force to stop Violence Against Women

When I come across an article related to women's rights or crimes against them (especially rape) I notice that ...

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Has Justice for Women in India Improved?

In 1890, a case of a Bengali child bride named Phulmani, who died following brutal conjugal intercourse went to trial in the Calcutta Sessio...

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Boys for Sale: An Intriguing Documentary about Gay Prostitution in Japan

“If you’d never experienced this, it would be hard to understand.”

That’s the first line of Boys for Sale, a documentary that had its North ...

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The Greatest Showman

Cast: Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya

Direction: Michael Gracey

Producer: Laurence Ma...

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Aeschylus’s millennia old play gets an epic adaptation through The Suppliant Women

Written 2,500 years ago, The Suppliant Women is one of the world’s oldest plays which speaks to us through the ages with startling resonance for our troubled times. I...

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The Cobrador’s Stare

Debt collectors are known to be aggressive and sometimes violent, but what happens with a black-clad hooded figure does nothing but follow a defaulter around and stare at h...

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