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The Many Faces Of Media

Panoramic landscapes of rock formations on face of the earth are not the only structures that present the spectacle of erosion. What takes infinite centuries to change the ...

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Top 5 New Media/Web Platforms For Change

I recently read an article by Sean Parker, the founder president of Facebook and the man behind the revolutionary Napster,that took the music world by storm, speaking about...

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Indian Private Hospitals Biggest Beneficiaries Of International Aid Programmes

The biggest recipients of investment through aid programmes of rich nations have been the large commercial hospital chains in the emerging economy countries. Limited to a f...

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Locarno's Open Doors Gets New Awards.

MAD Solutions among backers of Maghreb films in Co-pro Lab line up. Arab-focused promotion agency MAD Solutions will this year provide distribution and promotional support ...

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Can We Finance Sustainable Development?

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been the most comprehensive international poverty alleviation movement in history. Since 1990, extreme poverty has been cut by ...

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Climate Change Fight Will Help Global Economy, Al Gore Tells Toronto Conference

Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said fighting climate change will be a boon to the global economy, despite critics? fears that abandoning fossil fuels will cripple world...

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Here?s The Most Lucrative Way To Fight Climate Change

A new report outlines how to grow the economy and stymie climate change at the same time Economists, politicians and scientists have long debated how (and whether) climate ...

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India Releases First Socio-Economic Census In 80 Years

The census contains details about specific regions, communities, caste and economic groups, Arshad Khan reports The Union government on Friday (July 3) released the socio-e...

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Climate Pressures Threaten Political Stability: Security Experts

But work now to protect food security, reshape water sharing agreements and cut risks from worsening weather disasters could play a huge role in reducing future conflict, r...

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How Can Countries Finance The Sustainable Development Goals?

Countries will start a new chapter in their development this year with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Designed to replace the Millennium Developme...

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